Showing posts with label NXT. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NXT. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Halloween Havoc Results and Recap

            I absolutely HATE Halloween. So, watching NXT's Halloween Havoc hosted by Chucky was a little disturbing for me. Praise God that I am a streamer and had the ability to fast forward watching it next day.

            The first match of the evening featured female athletes in a stairway to hell ladder match for the tag titles. It will be Indi Hartwell and Persia Pirotta v Toxic Attraction v Io Shirai and Zoey Stark. Io, the only one with ladder match experience, is the first one to bring a ladder into the ring.  These women give just as any man in this type of savage contest. I can't believe it but Toxic Attraction are the new tag champs. I have a bad feeling that WWE is going to push them and Mandy Rose.

            Speaking of Mandy, she is up next against Raquel Gonzalez for the title. I have always wanted Raquel to be stripped of the gold but to Mandy Rose? NXT has no one more worthy? Gonzalez spins the wheel and it land's on Chucky's Choice. The evil doll picks a Trick or Street Fight. Sadly, after all the kendo sticks, fire extinguishers, chairs, tables, and an interference by Dakota Kai dressed in black and armed with a shovel, Many Rose is the new NXT champion.

            MSK is up next against Imperium. A young fan spins the wheel concluding in the athletes having to compete in a lumber jack-o-lantern match for the gold. Sadly, MSK lose their titles to Imperium.

            Now for the title match that I have been waiting for. Tomasso Ciampa will be facing Bron Breakker. First of all, how awesome did Ciampa look? He entered the ring like a warrior. The young dog gave the veteran a run for his money. Bron has the potential to be a champ someday. Until then, he earns the respect of the retaining champ, Tomasso Ciampa.

            This was an ok mini pay-per-view with three title changes. Looking forward to Survivor Series on November 21, 2021.  


Tuesday, October 12, 2021

NXT 9-28-21

            The theme of tonight's show is Ladies Night. Hit Row is in the ring hyping up the crowd in the newly revamped NXT 2.0. B-Fab's opponent, Elektra Lopez, interrupts it all. The first match of the evening between these two women is a no disqualification match. A decent match with Lopez picking up the victory. 

            Toxic Attraction is up next and they square up against tag champs Io Shirai and Zoey Stark. Before I get to the match, I just need to say that Toxic Attraction reminds me of an updated version of the Riot Squad. Ok, now that I got that out of the way, let's get back to the match. There was a notable amount of high flying by the defending champs. The other notable thing came from the commentator's table. Beth Phoenix made the observation that people are watching Jayne and Dolin because of Mandy rose. Glad someone stated the obvious. And tonight, I watched Io and Zoey retain their gold.

            The third match of the evening is between two male athletes. Rodderick Strong is set to face Grayson Waller in a championship match for the cruiserweight title. This was an excellent match. Both men took risks and gave everything. While I could have seen either athlete winning, it would be Rodderick's hand being held high in the end.  

            A fourth and final match of the evening is between Raquel Gonzalez and Franky Monet. I am not a fan of the champ. I have said before that Raquel comes across to me as more of a brute than a wrestler. Monet, on the other hand, reminds me of a thicker, glammed up version of Luna Vachon. Am I wrong?

Anyway, Gonzalez retains her title with one bra strap still in tact. After the match, Toxic Attraction makes an appearance. They not only go after Franky, but they also decimate the champ in the ring. 

            By the end of the evening, I felt that this particular episode of NXT 2.0 was more about championships and less about the ladies. Yes, I know that three of the four matches featured female athletes. But 75% of the matches had titles on the line. My other thought focused on NXT 2.0 itself. Since the re-branding two weeks ago, the show is definitely brighter. However, it is still what I have always said it was - an updated version of WWE's Tough Enough. Now with the removal of the colors black and gold, it is a more vivid experience.


Tuesday, August 24, 2021

NXT TakeOver 36 Recap and Results

            NXT TakeOver 36 was billed as a night of when the theory of chaos meets the laws of physics.

            The first match was for the Million Dollar Championship belt. I was rooting for Cameron Grimes all the way TO THE MOON. Finally, I get to see one of my favorite wrestlers back in the ring with some upgraded gear. He is accompanied by his fairy godfather - Ted DiBiase. Grimes will fight to take the belt away from current champ, LA Knight. It was great to see the belt go home with Grimes, as well as, seeing DiBiase get in on the action. I have my first prediction correct.

            The second match of the evening is another championship match. Dakota Kai will give her all in an effort to take the gold away from current champ, Raquel Gonzalez. I am not interested in this storyline. I just want to see Raquel lose to someone. I have said before, she seems like more of a brute than a wrestler. There were a couple of bad sells during the bout. Certain moves didn't connect but the athletes acted like they did. In a loose and ill fitting top, Gonzalez retains. During the champ's celebration, former NXT UK Women's Champion, Kay Lee Ray, makes her presence known. A former champ taking gold away from the current champ - I'm in.

            Before I get to the next feud, I have a question. Is it me or is NXT highlighting more NXT stars that usual? Piper Niven on Monday Night Raw, Kay Lee Ray making eye contact with  Raquel Gonzalez and now Walter v. Ilja Dragunov for the NXT UK Championship belt. I am placing my bet on Ijla based on what I saw last Tuesday between him and Roderick Strong.  

            Both athletes are intense and focused. One would think that just by looking at these two men, Walter would win by size alone. And let's not forget his thunderous slaps. However, Ilja is confident of his skills which puts to sleep any doubts. Both men are visibly blistered from this very brutal bout. In the end, Dragunov would win the gold. That's two predictions correct.

            There are two main events in this pay-per-view. First up, it the undisputed rivalry between Adam Cole and Kyle O'Reily. The first fall in this three fall match, is a straight forward pin or submission contest. Both men get right into the action from the bell. No feeling out to start. Just strong offenses and submission attempts. Kyle O'Reily pins Cole and has the psychology advantage.

            Round two is a street fight. What these superstars do to their bodies for our entertainment is insane. The chair shots, the slaps from kendo sticks, heads in garbage cans, etc. I don't know who's crazier - the fans or the participants. This street fight would conclude in Adam's favor. The score is now tied at one win a piece. I said last week that this was going 3 falls.

            A steel cage will be the final decider in this feud. While handcuffed to the top, Kyle O'Reily taps out Adam Cole in the shortest of all three falls. That is three predictions correct. 

            The final main event of the evening will have Samoa Joe squaring up against NXT Champion Karrion Kross for the gold. Before any action takes place, I was surprised to hear the crowd chant "We want Scarlett!" Kross does not need his real life girlfriend as a part of his character. They can each move up to the main roster separately. I would like to see Scarlett in action. 

            The other thing that I noticed that he was not wearing his gladiator gear. I have theorized in the past that you can almost predict who is going to win by what they wear at a pay-per-view event. And sure enough, my theory was once again correct. Samoa is the new NXT champ for the third time. I cannot wait to see how WWE creative introduces Kross on the main roster. 

            So I correctly guessed 7 out of 9 matches for SummerSlam and 4 out of 5 matches for NXT TakeOver 26. I think that I will welcome SLTD Wrestling's invitation to join their predictions league. Until then, Hey WWE.........................


Saturday, August 21, 2021

Final NXT Before TakeOver 36

            Malcolm Bivens is live on the mic in the center of the ring. He is flanked by 2 members of the Diamond Mine. Tyler Rust used to be a member of the Diamond Mine until he was released on August 6, 2021. An open challenger has been issued and Ilja Dragunov has answers the call. He will be facing Roderick Strong. The match starts with a feeling out process followed by some insane chest slaps back and forth. Ilja showcased unbridled intensity throughout the match. Roderick gave as good as he took. At one point he sent his opponent into the steel steps. This resulted in a determined and crimson faced Dragunov to eventually win the match.

            Next is Jessi Kamea and Robert Stone, accompanied by Franky Monet. Their opponents are Dexter Lumis and Indi Hartwell. I rooting for "Index". It was a little creepy watching them move in-sync. Monet gets involved and the ref orders her away from ringside. The greatest part of the bout besides "Index" winning was when Stone launched himself over the top rope directly onto the floor. He missed Lumis by miles. He is the NXT version of Baron Corbin. One other thing worth noting was Indi proposing to Dexter and him saying "yes". Are they exclusively dating or engaged? I don't care. Just happy to be along for the ride.

            The NXT BreakOut Tournament is next with Duke Hudson and Carmelo Hayes set to compete. I personally want Hudson to win. He has the size and power advantage. Hayes, on the other hand, is a quick high flyer. .With a series of high impact offences, Carmelo Hayes has punched his way to the finals. He will now meet Odyssey Jones in the final round. I don't know who WWE creative will choose to win. On one side of the coin, high flyers are always an asset. On the other side, men in the vein of Mark Henry and Keith Lee don't come around often. 

            The main event of the evening is a tag team championship match between Imperium and MSK. MSK is an adaptable team that have been able to pick up wins over Ciampa and Thatcher, Grizzled Young Veterans and Legado Del Fantasma. The odds have this match in their favor. If only I were in Vegas, I would have hit big. MSK retain their gold.

            Speaking of Vegas, later tonight is SummerSlam live from Allegiant Stadium in Paradise, Nevada, a suburb of Las Vegas. I will be posting my predictions later today. Until then, here are my predictions for NXT TakeOver 36 this Sunday, August 22, 2021.

  • Karrion Kross v. Samoa Joe (championship): Giving the win to Joe because I want Kross on the main roster

  • Walter v. Ilja Dragunov: Based on what I saw in his match against Strong, I'm giving Ilja the win.
  • Raquel Gonzalez v. Dakota Kai (championship): Raquel needs a vacation so I give the win to Kai.         
  • Adam Cole v. Kyle O'Reily: This is definitely going 3 falls and I'm giving the win to O'Reily. He needs to be the new face of NXT the way Cole once was. I also think Adam is very similiar to a younger Shawn Michaels and would be an asset to the main roster. 
  • LA Knight v. Cameron Grimes: Grimes will win to correct the wrong that was committed when Knight won it the first time around.     


Wednesday, August 18, 2021

NXT 8-10-21

            Because Ember Moon is not medically cleared to compete, Dakota Kai will be squaring up against Sarray. The Warrior of the Sun, gave a great performance against Kai. However, it would not be enough to conquer Dakota Kai. Raquel Gonzalez ends the celebration and vows to destroy Kai at NXT TakeOver.

            NXT UK's Ilja Dragunov makes his appearance at NXT and has a few words regarding his feud with Walter. He proclaims that history will be made at NXT TakeOver. His declaration is short lived by the interruption of Pete Dunne. He accepts a challenge from Ilja to fight tonight. I am familiar with Dunne but not so much with Dragunov. I will be interested in seeing how this match plays out. 

            William Regal is in the ring flanked by security. Cole v. O'Reilly III is on the card for NXT TakeOver on Sunday, August 22,2021. This, in theory, is the match that settles the score once and for all. Each man is currently tied with one win each. This reminds me of the storyline between Gargano and Ciampa. 

            This upcoming match will be a 2 out of 3 falls match with each competitor choosing a stipulation. O'Reilly pick a clean cut pinfall or submission match. Cole, on the other hand, opts for a street fight. Now, if the match goes to a third fall, Mr. Regal will be lowering a steel cage. This is so going three rounds.

            Odyssey Jones is going up against Trey Baxter in the semi-final round of NXT's BreakOut Tournament. I want to see Baxter win so, hopefully, he will meet Duke Hudson in the final round. I was hoping the underdog had the creative ring awareness to counter the size, strength and speed of Jones. In the end, the crowd favorite of Odyssey Jones will be advancing to the final round. Baxter should not worry though, he is a future superstar. 

            The main event between Dragunov and Dunne is a joint manipulation masterpiece. While both men did damage to each other, Pete Dunne had enough left in the tank to pick up the win. It didn't hurt that Walter made an appearance. 

            After the match, Walter goes after his future opponent. And with a torpedo Moscow, Dragunov sends Walter a message while sending him out of the ring.

This is going to be a great weekend with SummerSlam on Saturday and NXT TakeOver on Sunday.


Friday, August 13, 2021

NXT 8-3-21

            Hit Row opens the show. I was over this posse the moment they debuted. Of the four, I am currently only interested in welcoming the day when AJ Francis goes solo. Until then, it will be Legado Del Fantasma verses AJ Francis and Ashanti Adonis. I only mentally tuned into the match when Francis was in action. He handled Wilde like he was a garbage bag full of shredded paper. But just as AJ was going for the finishing touch before the pin, Santos Escobar hits him in the back with a steel chair. Ref has no choice but to call for the bell. Brutal chaos continues but who really came out on top? Escobar leaves the ring with Isaiah "Swerve" Scott's gold grill but Hit Row stands tall in the ring. 
            Another one of my favorites is back in the ring. For the first time since becoming a butler, Cameron Grimes will be teaming with his employer LA Knight. They go up against the Grizzled Young Veterans. Trevor is forced to wrestle first in his uniform. Beth Phoenix said it best when she commented that Grimes is making lemonade out of lemons. At one point, Cameron goes to tag in his partner who abandons him by jumping off the apron. That's when the butler's gloves and coat come off. Cameron Grimes takes on the GYV by himself and tries to take it TO THE MOON. Yeah, sadly the veterans pick up the win over the athlete who should have won the million dollar belt. Once again, Grimes' fairy godfather comes to the ring encouraging him to find a way out of the situation he is currently in. 
            "As long as I have your back, you will always be champion,". That was the harbinger statement from Dakota Kai to Raquel Gonzalez. Kai goes on with a semi decent promo. Forget the words. Somebody, anybody, take the gold from Gonzalez.
            The NXT BreakOut Tournament continues with Trey Baxter and Joe Gacy. I watched Baxter go up against Kushida earlier this summer in stunning fashion. He is the one to watch in this bout. I am rooting for Trey all the way. It's not going to be an easy win for the younger athlete. Gacy is a fifteen year veteran with the power and size advantage. The high flying, rebounding nature of Baxter gave him the determination he needed to advance to the semi finals. He is now set to square up against Odyssey Jones. Trey Baxter is an athlete in the vein of AJ Styles and Ricochet. In the final round, I am hoping for Duke Hudson v. Trey Baxter.

            Now it is time for the Love Her or Lose Her match between Johnny Gargano and Dexter Lumis. I am rooting for Dexter all the way because he is a man of little words and much action. Gargano, on the other hand, is like an intrusive mother in law who can't mind her own business. Indi Hartwell makes her way to the ring as the crowd is chanting "Index!". Despite Johnny picking up the win over Dexter, love would prevail. Indi runs down the ramp into the ring and starts kissing Lumis. Index is now official.


Thursday, August 5, 2021

NXT 7-27-21

            Here are my thoughts on the last NXT of July 2021.

            The evening kicks off with a tag team match between Thatcher and Ciampa verses Pete Dunne and Oney Lorkin. Does anyone besides me miss Tomasso Ciampa in singles competition? These four men are all very savage in their wrestling style. Thatcher and Dunne begin the match in a traditional lock up into a ground submission game. Back and forth they go until each tag in their respective tag partners. Physically intense slugfest from bell to bell. In the end it would be alpha males Dunne and Lorkin who pick up the victory. Thank you Ridge Holland for the interference. 

            Samoa Joe is now in the ring and calls for General Manager William Regal to join him. Joe counters Regals decision to fire Karrion Kross. He wants Regal to fire him as management and reinstate him as an active member of the roster. The general manager grants the wish. Next, it is made official that Samoa Joe and Karrion Kross will meet in a NXT Championship match at NXT TakeOver 36. I'm predicting right now that Kross will lose his title. The man's moving up to the main roster. He's gotta drop the belt to someone.

            The saga between Grimes and Knight continues on the golf course. Cameron is washing LA's balls in his cowboy boots. Golf balls... just to clarify. Grimes then has to retrieve one of said balls from a water hazard. Fairy Godfather Ted DiBiase comes along with some encouraging words. Later on, Cameron would take out his gold ball to prove he is a better golfer than LA. The caddy takes out the Million Dollar Champion as he swings the golf club and sinks a hole in one.

            NXT Breakout Tournament continues with Carmelo Hayes and Josh Briggs. The dangling carrot for the winner of the tournament is their choice of champion for the opportunity to put gold around their waist. Briggs has the size and power advantage at 6' 8". Hayes works hard to wear the big guy down. The crowd was rooting for the ultimate winner Carmelo Hayes. Now he will go on to face Duke Hudson in the semi final round.

            Raquel Gonzalez is up next accompanied by Dakota Kai. After 18 months of domination, Gonzalez would land flat on her ass compliments of Kai. It's about time.

            Now it is time for the main event of the evening. Bronson Reed squares up against Adam Cole. I don't know who to root for. Reed has the obvious size advantage yet, both have impressive playbooks. Cole tries to take out the vertical base of Reed while Bronson showcases his power by swatting Adam out of the sky. With a kick to the back of the knee, Adam is in control after a commercial break until Bronson counters. Cole would eventually pick up the win with a kick to the back of the head of the former colossal champ. 

            The night wouldn't end there. An irate Kyle O'Reilly would attack Cole from behind after his victory. A chair to the back and a suplex on the steel steps would close out the night at the Capitol Wrestling Center.





Wednesday, July 28, 2021

NXT 7-20-21

            Summer continues to be in full swing here in New England. Repainting the inside of my home and steam cleaning the rugs has me behind on my wrestling. Just finished watching last week's "provoking" NXT, so let's get to it.

            "Tick tock. Tick tock. Guess who's come to smash your clock!" An irate Samoa Joe has words with GM William Regal regarding Karrion Kross. With Kross on his way to the arena, Joe prophesizes that someone will be going to sleep.

            The first match of the evening was a tag team bout featuring Tyler Rust and Roderick Strong of the Diamond Mine. They get ambushed by their opponents Kushida and Bobby Fish on the way to the ring. Diamond Mine members have control of Bobby Fish to start the match. After absorbing much punishment, Fish is able to tag in Kushida with the help of a spine buster. This was a fast moving match-up. With former team member Bobby and Roderick on the outside, Rust taps out to Kushida in the center of the ring.

            Kyle O'Reily is up next and he squares up against Austin Theory. I loved that Theory came to the ring solo. His skill set is improving and I hope that leads him back to the main roster. Austin had an answer for most of Kyle's moves. I was happily surprised to see Theory in command for the majority of the match but it would not be enough. The Muay Thai experience of O'Reily gave him the win via a submission. I found myself wanting that upset win for Austin watching this feud. And I do hope that this is a feud that continues without the voices of The Way. 

            The Breakout Tournament continues with Andre Chase verses Odyssey Jones. Sometimes you can tell just by the way an athlete comes to the ring, who is going to win. I immediately got a Mark Henry vibe from Jones and truthfully predicted his win. Chase showcased an impressive in ring intelligence and took advantage of his environment. He slams Jones into a steel pillar. He then perfectly executes a moonsault. The way he landed on his opponent was like two puzzles pieces fitting together. Absolutely textbook. But in the end, it would be Mr. Jones that advances. He now joins fellow qualifier Duke Hudson. I wonder how long this tournament is going to run. 

            Yawwwwn......I mean Raquel Gonzalez is up next and she battles Xia Li for the gold. I don't know what it is about the NXT Women's Champion, but I find no enjoyment watching her in the ring. I think I find Raquel to be more of a brute than a wrestler. I am rooting for Xia all the way.

            Li focused heavily on the left leg of the champ. Smart strategy to take a tower off its base. However, Gonzalez comes off the second rope and crashes down on the challenger right across the mid section. There is a pause in the match so that medical staff can assess the situation and deems her fit to continue. Like a shark in bloody waters, the champ slams Li into the mat and picks up the win. 

            Now for my favorite part of the evening. LA Knight accompanied by his "butler" Cameron Grimes goes up against Drake Maverick. I am so happy to see Drake in action. It seems like forever since he's been in the squared circle. Grimes' only task during the match is to hold high the million dollar belt high on the outside. Multiple times, LA takes his eyes off his opponent to remind Cameron of his one and only task. It was this behavior that would cost Knight the match. While reprimanding Cameron, Knight's face is pushed into the diamond crusted belt by Maverick who then picks up the win.   

            Ever the sore loser, LA blames his butler and attacks Drake. Cameron comes to the aid of Maverick and tries to get Knight to leave the ring. Battling with his conscience, Grimes reluctantly follows the directive of his employer and punches Drake in the face. The CWC audience was not happy. Please don't turn on my Trevor Lee. The arch of this storyline will soon come and then we all will be going TO THE MOON!

            The evening ends the way it began. With an angry Samoa Joe in the center of the ring, Karrion answers the enforcer's call on the Jumbo Tron. Declaring that he can go anywhere and do anything he wants, we see Regal unconscious on the asphalt as Kross speeds off into the night. 





Tuesday, July 20, 2021

NXT 07-13-2021

            It's summertime and I'm a week behind on my NXT. Just finished watching last week's episode via Hulu and here are my thoughts.

            The evening started off with a grudge match between Ember Moon and Dakota Kai. Back and forth side headlocks to begin the match. Kai tries to end the match earlier with 4 unsuccessful pin attempts. Ember soars through the ropes to slam Dakota into the barricade. Back in the ring the action continues with Gonzalez on the outside yelling "You're nothing without Shotzi!" One more kick to the face by Kai to Moon and she picks up the win. I appreciate both women's athletic abilities.

            The action didn't stop there. Xia Li comes out after the match and gets in the face of Raquel Gonzalez. Li issued the challenge for Raquel's gold. Let's see if Mr. Regal gives his blessing. 

            Next, a million dollar promo skit. Cameron Grimes debuts as LA Knight's butler. He gets a mini make-over before his duties start. I love Trevor Lee. He is so good at, not only his wrestling abilities, but also embracing the necessary qualities to get his character over. Even as domestic help, the man has style. He is still wearing his cowboy boots in a tux. Next we learn that the millionaire butler has delegated his chores to a young kid while he lounges poolside in his Calvin Klein skivvies, cowboy boots and white gloves. I didn't realize that was a fantasy I needed. Thank you WWE. 



            Following the fantasy is the match between Santos Escobar (accompanied by Wilde and Mendoza) and Dexter Lumis. I'm rooting for the unflinching Lumis. A man of action and no words. He is an athlete in the vein of The Fiend and Alexa Bliss but Dexter is the one that I can tolerate. 

            Early in the match, Santos goes to the outside to regroup, Dexter goes under the ring and travels to the other side to pull Escobar under by his feet. His efforts are fruitless thanks to Santo's entourage. Back in the ring, Escobar has control of the action. Lumis catches his breath and hits his opponent with punches and a clothesline followed by a running bulldog. With interference from the outside, Santos Escobar is able to regain control and win the match with the help of the phantom driver. 

              Next, Duke Hudson squares up against Ikemen Jiro in the first round of the Breakout Tournament. At the announce table, Wade Barrett comments that Duke looks like a younger version of himself and I have to agree. 

            Interesting to watch Jiro compete in one of his signature blazers. Hudson, on the other hand, is focused on getting the job done. Boss Man Slam wins the first round for Duke Hudson. 

            The main event of the evening is for the NXT Championship. Johnny Gargano challenges Karrion Kross with Samoa Joe as the special referee. Karrion has to drop the belt to someone before he moves up to the main roster. I'm okay with it being Johnny. Kross is such a beast of an athlete and I love that he has kept the gladiator attire that he debuted back at NXT TakeOver: Stand and Deliver. 

            Johnny lays into the champ before the bell. The challenger throws caution to the wind but the champ comes back with full power. He picks up Johnny like a ragdoll and slams his back into the announce table. Here's where my brain plays the "What If" game. What if one day Karrion Kross faces Bobby Lashley in the ring? That would be epic. 

            Back in the squared circle, Johnny executes a slingshot spear on the champ and sends him outside the ring into the barricade. Gargano's plan is all high risk and, hopefully, high reward. 

            The champion is able to get the Kross Jacket submission on his opponent who immediately counters with a submission of his own. Kross beasts out and gets the Jacket back on Gargano. Johnny gets to the ropes before passing out and the ref calls for the break but Karrion refuses to break. Samoa Joe pulls Kross off of Gargano. They lock eyes for a moment but the champ keeps his cool. 

            Action moves to the outside where Karrion repeatedly slams Johnny head into the plexiglass barrier. He then gives Joe a disrespectful gesture before picking up the steel steps to use on his nearly lifeless opponent. Samoa Joe blocks his efforts and now their nose to nose again. This opens up an opportunity for Johnny to attempt a pin. Champ counters with insane power bombs and one final European forearm to the back of the head of Johnny to retain his title. 

            The feud continues with Joe and Karrion after the bell. Joe tries to be the better man and leave the ring. Kross is determined to settle their issues with a Kross Jacket from behind. Samoa Joe is out. Until next week....


Tuesday, July 13, 2021

NXT Great American Bash Results and Recap

             Tonight's NXT will see the next chapter of current feuds because of the results of last week's Great American Bash.

            One of the feuds that will come to a head tonight is between Karrion Kross and Johnny Gargano. At the GAB, Johnny and Karrion were called to the ring by Regal with Samoa Joe at his side. I think is is going to be a short lived feud not only because Kross has already made his debut on Main Event but also because of what he told Gargano in the ring. He made it very clear that there are three things that he focuses on everyday.

            1) Never to lose the NXT Championship

            2) Main event WrestleMania

            3) Become WWE Champion

Yeah, Karrion is moving up to the main roster soon and will most likely be dropping the title to Johnny in his wife's jeans.

            Speaking of Johnny's wife, Candace LeRae and her tag partner Indi Hartwell squared off in a championship match against Zoey Stark and Io Shirai. I didn't talk or make a prediction regarding this match in last week's post. I don't think I'm invested. Nonetheless, it was a decent match with a great surprise. Mid-way through the match, the lights go out and a battery symbol appears. When it reaches 100%, lights come back on and there stands Teagan Nox!

            Teagan has been out of action since September 23, 2020 because of LeRae. The distraction of Teagan allowed Zoey to pin Indi Hartwell for the win. And just like that NXT has new Women's Tag Champs. 

            One championship match down, two to go. The night opened with MSK going up against Timothy Thatcher and Tomaso Ciampa for the Men's Tag Championship. I'm still not sold on the team of Ciampa and Thatcher but I like all 4 men. MSK is a team of young dogs who are confident beyond their years. Ciampa and Carter begin the match with a dance of chops and corkscrews. Thatcher executed his signature joint manipulations. But in the end, it would be the impressive offense of MSK that allowed them to retain their titles.

            The second championship match was for the Million Dollar Championship belt. I was rooting for Grimes all the way. Cameron starts the match against LA Knight with aggression. He goes for a high cross body into the first pin attempt but Knight kicks out. There were so many close pinfalls back and forth. Knight tries to use the belt as a weapon but the ref catches him and because of the action inside the ring, the belt falls to the floor. This is significant because later in the match, Knight is able to hit the DDT on Grimes on the outside. Cameron's head hits the diamond encrusted belt. Ref begins the ten count. By a hair, he makes it back into the ring still quite dazed. LA hits the BFT in the center of the ring to retain the title. Cameron now has to become the butler of Knight. I have always said that Grimes should have won the belt to begin with. While I know Cameron will be able to sell his character's current predicament, I hope he gets back into action soon.

            The main event of the evening was Adam Cole v. Kyle O'Reily II. I said last week that this match could have gone so many different ways so no prediction on my part was made. Cole has the advantage to start and focuses on O'Reily's left knee. Kyle gives Adam a run for his money but it was not enough. Cole hits the Panama Sunrise outside the ring then inside the ring followed by a last shot kick to O'Reily's head. Cole wins and the feud is now tied.


Sunday, July 4, 2021

NXT Before The Great American Bash

            When I was growing up, I remember the adults around me complaining about the cost of cable and wished there was a way to only order the channels that you knew you were going to watch. Well, that is sort of what I did when I cut the cord in 2004 and went to streaming services. One of the streaming services that I have is Hulu Basic. Hulu Basic costs me $5.99 a month. I do have the add-on subscription of HBO Max bringing my monthly total, with state tax, to $22.24 a month. I used to pay over $200 a month for cable. Because I have the patience of Job and am not in front of my tv 24/7, this is the best financial decision for my family. However, this decision comes with a price of a different kind. 

            I do not know how it is decided, but not every match or segment that is shown on live tv is shown next day on Hulu. I have written about this in previous posts. This fact applies to this past Tuesday's NXT mixed tag match between Xia Li and Boa verses Mercedes Martinez and Jake Atlas. 

            Mercedes suffered a concussion as a result of a spinning heel kick from Li. I only became aware of the injury because of my Google feed. I also watched a portion of the match on YouTube. I think Mercedes was meant to kick out of the pin attempt but just couldn't. Great call by the ref and many prayers of healing for Ms. Martinez.

            This past Tuesday also marked 7 days until NXT's Great American Bash. The opening match of the evening was to determine the #1 contender for the Women's Tag Championship. Shotzi Blackheart and Ember Moon vs. Zoey Stark and Io Shirai vs. Raquel Gonzalez and Dakota Kai were the three teams vying for the opportunity. 

            It was a fast and furious fight from the bell. Raquel opened the match with an explosion of power. She and Kai were probably the favorites to win. Conversely, the team of Stark and Shirai were the team least likely to win. They just do not a familiar history with each other. It was interesting to see whether or not they would overcome such an obstacle. And overcome they did. Io pins Dakota and she and Stark will now face Indi Hartwell and Candance LeRae this Tuesday for the gold. My prediction is that Candance and Indi retain their belts.

            There was also some smack talk leading into this Tuesday's Great American Bash from former friends. Kyle O'Reily calls out Adam Cole. Yet, before Cole could respond, Samoa Joe interrupts with a fleet of security. Joe stands with both men in the ring while security keeps the top of ramp warm. The jaw jacking intensifies to the point where we see Kyle put Adam in a leg submission. Cole cries in pain while Samoa Joe looks on unimpressed. "Get him off me Joe!" screams the former champ. Joe exits the ring and calls for security to separate the pair. 

            The last time these two faced off in singles competition was at NXT Stand and Deliver where O'Reily defeated Cole. We are "2 sleeps" (thank you Pat McAfee) away from Cole v. O'Reilly II. I have run multiple outcomes in my head. This match can go so many different ways. Cole could win and even up the score. O'Reily could win showing the company's investment in him. The match could also be a count-out or disqualification prolonging the storyline. I'll just have to watch to find out.

            The men's tag championship belts will also be on the line. MSK will square up against Ciampa and Thatcher. I personally miss Ciampa on top as a singles performer and I don't know if I buy into his pairing with Thatcher. It's a feud between the young guns verses the veterans. MSK is definitely going to give Tomasso and Timothy an aerial workout. I'll give this one to MSK.

            Before I get to the last match of this week, I want to talk about the upcoming Million Dollar Championship fight between Cameron Grimes and LA Knight. Grimes should have won the title at TakeOver: In Your House earlier this year. I am crossing my fingers, toes and eyes that he captures the gold this Tuesday because if he loses, he has to become Knight's butler. Cute storyline but a waste of Cameron's insane talent.

            The last match of this week was the impromptu fight between Isaiah "Swerve" Scott and the NXT North American Champion Bronson Reed for the title. Now, Reed recently made his debut on Main Event where he defeated Drew Gulak. This the first sign for many fans that he is getting ready to move up to the main roster. The second sign came at the conclusion of this contest. 

            Bronson was powerfully impressive as usual right out of the gate. Swerve gets in a plethora of moves against Reed prior to the interference of Hit Row members Adonis and AJ Francis. Yeah, I said AJ Francis and not Top Dolla. I'm not Nike...I just can't do it.

            Anyway, Adonis pulls Bronson off the apron. This opens the door for AJ to bulldoze towards Reed. However, it all backfires on him because Reed sends Francis through the plexiglass barricade. It is while Adonis is checking on his mate that the champ sends him over the barricade to join his friend.

            As Reed is making his way back into the ring, he receives a kick to the face by his opponent. This is then followed by Swerve's signature 450 off the top rope down on the champ. One, two, three and just like that, NXT has a new North American Champion. I am eagerly looking forward to the upcoming draft. Until then, I'll be enjoying The Great American Bash this Tuesday. 


Friday, June 25, 2021

Braun and NXT

            So I'm going to start today's post the way I usually end it - talking about Adam Scherr, aka Braun Strowman.

            Yesterday on Instagram, Adam posted some photos of him at Doc Antle's Myrtle Beach Safari in South Carolina. Many followers commented on the infamy associated with Antle because of Netflix's Tiger King. Adam responded "Don't believe everything you read." Should we not believe CNN when they report on him being indicted on wildlife trafficking charges as recently as October 2020? Two of Antle's daughters, Keith Wilson and Wilson's nephew were also named in the indictments. The trial date for Wilson and his nephew has been scheduled for June 21-25, 2021. 

            Other reputable outlets reporting on the current indictments include the state of Virginia's website, NBC12, MSN, National Geographic, Huffington Post and Vanity Fair. Since 1989, Doc Antle has been charged at least 35 times with crimes against animals from state attorneys, USDA and USDOJ. 

            It seems that as a result of the backlash, Adam has deleted his Instagram account. I could no longer find it. Others could not find it.

 Here are my two cents:

            I like Adam. I find him to be a great athlete and human being. And like all humans, sometimes he's not going to make the best decisions. This man was let go by WWE on June 2, 2021 to the shock of many. Since then, he has documented himself working out in the gym, enjoying dinner, working on cars and hanging with friends - not isolated in a dark room with a nearly empty bottle dangling from his hand. I'm still rooting for him.


            Now onto this week's NXT. The night opened with Adam Cole. He states that he is not going to pick an opponent for tonight. Hit the music because here comes Carmelo Hayes. He challenges Cole with "Ruthless Aggression". It was a great match with each competitor going move for move and counter for counter. However, in the end, it would be a Panama Sunrise that secured the win for Adam Cole.

            Next the women are in the ring. It's Io Shirai teaming with Zoey Stark against Aliyah and Jessi Kamea. Decent match but the most exciting action happened after Io got the win over Jessi Kamea.

            The tag champs Candice LeRae and Indi Hartwell watched the match from the ramp and then the other female tag teams joined the party. They all let the verbal bullets fly. Quicker than you can say NXT, chaos erupts in the ring. Raquel Gonzalez, Dakota Kai, Ember Moon, Shotzi Blackheart, Zoey Stark and Io Shirai are destroying each other when Samoa Joe comes down the ramp to "enforce" order with the help of security. As a result of the mayhem, there will be a triple threat match next week to determine the number one contenders to face the champs at NXT's Great American Bash.

            Before I get to the last two matches, I'm going to talk about Karrion Kross. Earlier this week, I shared the fact that both he and Bronson Reed would make their Main Event debut. Thursday night, everyone saw what I saw being taped on Monday night. 

            When Karrion made his debut, it was sans Scarlett and his usual NXT entrance. I was happy that Scarlett wasn't there. Not because I don't like her. She has a professional wrestling background. I would like to see her in action. I just never understood the need for a goth Federette. 

            As far as his entrance goes, it lacked the energy that Kross is known for. I'm sure creative will get things right when he moves up to the main roster by, if not at this year's draft. He and Scarlett did appear on NXT this week but it was to only talk to Samoa Joe.

            The second to last match of the evening had Pete Dunne and Oney Lorkin squaring up against Johnny Gargano and Austin Theory. If there was ever a night to feel bad for someone, tonight was Theory's night.

            Earlier in the evening, he suffered some joint manipulation at the hands of Pete Dunne. This injury was further amplified during the match. Austin had his joints bent and his chest mercilessly slapped by Dunne and Lorkin. Theory found redemption with the assistance of his tag partner. Johnny pins Oney for the win. The celebration was short lived however because Kross comes down the ramp and attacks Gargano from behind. Hmmm...dropping the belt to Johnny Gargano before the move up to the main roster....that works.

            The last match of the evening was the highly anticipated Kyle  O'Reily verses Kushida. I tend to cheer for Kushida but I decided to invest in the match with an open mind. My respect meter went off the charts. These athletes are equally matched and they brought the best out of each other. Superior match that had to have only one winner. That honor goes to Kyle O'Reily. 

            The celebration of respect ends when they are ambushed in the ring by the now unveiled Diamond Mine. 

            The teasing of the Diamond Mine for these past couple of weeks had me thinking it might be something akin to Raw Underground. Thank goodness it's not. The stable of  the Diamond Mine consists of Roderick Strong, Tyler Rust and Hideki Suzuki with Malcolm Bivens as their manager. Interested in seeing where this goes.


Thursday, June 17, 2021


            He's back!!! 

            Last week, we saw an exhausted general manager William Regal proclaim that it was time for a change. As Mr. Regal opened up this week's NXT, Karrion Kross interrupts and essentially tries to bully the GM into quitting. Then the music we've all been waiting for hits.....JOE! JOE! JOE!

            Samoa Joe enters the ring and after some back and forth negotiating, it is so declared that he will be an enforcer for the continuing general manager William Regal. Joe gets right to executing his duties and sends the usually snarling Karrion Kross back to the locker room.  

            The enforcement continues backstage where we see Joe put an unruly Adam Cole in a Coquina Clutch. 

            Next we have an answer to Kushida's open challenge for the NXT Cruiserweight championship. Trey Baxter steps up to the plate and the man has moves. Even though he taps out to Kushida's Hoverboard Lock, he will make a name for himself in wrestling. I could easily see him go up against Ricochet in the future. Until then, it will be Kyle O'Reily v. Kushida next week.

            Besides getting a definite answer to the Samoa Joe headline, I was interested in seeing how the coronation of the new Million Dollar Champion was going to go. LA Knight defeated the favored Cameron Grimes to become the new holder of the million dollar belt tasked with carrying on the legacy. No sooner was the belt on the shoulder of Knight that he makes a declaration: 

            "Now that I have everything I want, it's time to drop everything that I don't need."

            As the beat down on the Hall of Fame legend is in progress, Cameron Grimes comes to the aide of his hero. I'm still invested in the storyline even though Grimes didn't win. And kudos to Ted DiBiase for taking a bump at 67 years young.

            NXT continued the brutality with the next two matches.

            First up are the ladies. Kacy Catanzaro and Kayden Carter take on the current tag team champs. Great ring action from all four women. At one point, Kayden had Raquel Gonzalez in a submission hold which was eventually broken. The human highlight reel that is Kacy Catanzaro  showcased her ninja warrior skills. I can't help but to always think of her American Ninja Warrior days, as well as, her impressive showing at the 30 woman Royal Rumble back in 2019. Nevertheless, Dakota Kai pins Kacy for the win. 

            The evening ends with the Grizzled Young Veterans squaring up against Timothy Thatcher and Tomasso Ciampa in a Tornado Tag Match. In a Tornado Tag Match, all 4 men are legal, there are no tags, no countouts and you can only win by pinfall or submission inside the ring. Right from the bell, there are dueling beat-downs by Ciampa and "toothless" Timothy. The ref is absolutely helpless to stop the onslaught. GYV, who drive on either bending the rules or working with no rules, turn the situation around for a beat. Then comes a second wind for an unleashed Ciampa who thrives on chaos.

            Back and forth it goes and the Veterans almost secure a victory with a pin attempt on Thatcher. However, he is saved by his partner who ultimately secures the win by submission. NXT finished the way they started - seriously intense.

            Now it is time to end today's post the same way I've been ending it since June 2, 2021...


            And if you don't believe me, check out today's article by Sportskeeda:

            6 recently released WWE Superstars that the company should’ve kept (

Sunday, June 13, 2021

NXT In Your House is Tonight!

             So excited for NXT In Your House tonight on Peacock. There are five matches on the card tonight. Let's look at each one individually.

            Ladies first.  I think the match between Xia Li and Mercedes Martinez is a filler match. As I've said in an earlier post, Mercedes needs more training - specifically her timing. The last time that I saw her in action was against Raquel Gonzalez. It was not an enjoyable match. Timing was off and it felt like I was watching two athletes practice in the gym. Maybe she has improved in these past couple of weeks. However, I predict the Xia Li will win the match.

            Raquel herself has a match tonight against Ember Moon. Ember's tag partner Shotzi Blackheart is out with an undisclosed injury. Moon is letting her emotions over the situation get the best of her and I predict that she will not come out the victor. This match goes to Raquel with the high probability of an assist from Dakota Kai.

            Next we have a 6 man, winner take all, tag match between MSK and Bronson Reed v. Santos Escobar and Legado Del Fantasma. On June 1, 2021, MSK squared up against Legado Del Fantasma for a breathtaking performance. The smooth, high flying choreography was flawless. Then out of nowhere, Bronson  body checks Santos into the audience barricade. Tonight's match can go either way. Both teams have what it takes to bring honor to the belts.

            The last two matches are the ones I am looking forward to the most. Before the main event of the evening,  there will be a fun match for legacy. The million dollar belt is back in a golden ladder match! This is going to be a great one. I love Cameron Grimes. He is an excellent wrestler and his character is obnoxiously entertaining. LA Knight is no one to dismiss either. I am invested in this storyline. The ladder, the return of the million dollar belt and the passing down of a legacy is everything a die hard fan like myself is looking forward to enjoying. I predict Cameron Grimes as the Million Dollar winner.

            Now for the main event. A fatal 5-way between the champ Karrion Kross, Kyle O'Reilly, Pete Dunne, Johnny Gargano and Adam Cole. I am pleased that Karrion is still champ and that his storyline with Finn Balor is over. He is currently the right face of the championship. He wears and defends it like a fierce gladiator. I predict Karrion will retain his gold tonight, however, his time in NXT is coming to an end. He is ready for the main roster. It was due to injury that he had to relinquish his title last year. He will remain champ a little while longer. My hope as a fan is that when he is drafted to either Raw or SmackDown during the superstar shake-up later this year, that the belt will drop to either Adam Cole or Pete Dunne. It would be epic to see Karrion Kross v. Brock Lesner or Karrion Kross v. Roman Reigns.

       Adam Cole is ready to move up to the main roster but I would give him another year in NXT. 

            Johnny Gargano is a great wrestler but I have lost interest in him since his storyline with Tomasso Ciampa ended. 

            Pete Dunne is always worth watching. While he has been a champion in the past, he has never held the NXT Championship. Don't quit before the miracle.

            One last thing.....#BringBackBraun

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

NXT 5-11-2021

             I am a cradle WWE fan. Watching last night's NXT had me not only thinking of former wrestlers but considering personal dream matches and storylines.

            Karrion Kross and Austin Theory kicked off NXT in a non-title match. Karrion debuted a new look last month at NXT TakeOver: Stand & Deliver. The new gladiator look works for him and he reminds me of the Barbarian. Seeing him in a bout with Austin Theory wasn't enjoyable. He is a gnat compared to Kross. In two weeks, we'll see Kross go up against Finn for the NXT title. I predict the title will stay where it is for now. I think that the champ has another 3 to 6 months before he will be ready to move up to the main roster. The superstar draft of 2021 would be the ideal time for him to embrace a new chapter in his career. Possible opponents for Kross to make his mark would be Damien Priest, Braun Strowman, Sheamus, Drew McIntyre, Jinder Mahal, Randy Orton or Roman Reigns. I think there is a better storyline for Finn to be involved in so let's explore that next.

            Finn and Kross has been an enjoyable intense feud but it has run its course. The most obvious match-up would be Finn vs. Adam Cole. During NXT TakeOver: Vengeance Day, Cole super kicked Balor followed by the March 10 episode of NXT when Cole was defeated as a result of a distraction by O'Reily. This feud is not over but has been put on the back burner. Adam Cole will be back and his first target should be Finn Balor. 

            Before I get to the women's division, I want to briefly touch on Swerve's return.

            It's been 3 months since we've seen Isaiah "Swerve" Scott. Now he is back with a new attitude and a posse called Hit Row. AJ Francis, Ashante "Thee" Adondis and Briana Brandy make up Swerve's stable. Having a posse is a decent way to bring back Scott but I hope they disband soon. 

            I can easily see AJ Francis going up against Bronson Reed when he's done with Gargano. 

            Ashante "Thee" Adonis could turn on Scott putting them in a respectable rivalry. 

            Briana Brandy would be the perfect opponent for Raquel Gonzalez.

            Raquel Gonzalez is the current NXT Women's Champion. I'm personally not buying, and therefore, not enjoying the matches between her and Mercedes Martinez. They're not fluid. Their rhythm is out of sync. Mercedes could use some more training. She's still lacking some confidence and character believability. 

            Raquel, on the other hand, is ready for a better rival. Briana Brandy could be that opponent. Raquel reminds me of Chyna. There are currently no female competitors in NXT that I can think of that would be a threat to the title reign of Gonzalez. Rooting for you Briana.

            Finally, last night's main event saw a rematch between Santos Escobar and Kushida. It was a two out of three falls match for the Cruiserweight title. I am team Kushida all the way. Kushida retained his title and I would like to see him move up to the main roster and team up with Rey Mysterio. This is plausible because I think after Rey and Dominik win the tag team title belts at this Sunday's WrestleMania Backlash, the younger Mysterio will be ready to fly solo after a respectable reign with his dad. Hopefully Dom's first solo match will be against Humberto Carrillo. 

Open Letter to Jeff Hardy

               Endings are better than beginnings.               I grew up in a very dysfunctional household. My father is a gambler and my ...